Loving What God Loves
January 9, 2011Each of us, as individuals, has many things and many people we love. To us, there are varying degrees of love. For instance, we have a romantic love for our spouse. We have a love for our children, for our relatives, for our friends, for our pets, and for things – Read the Rest…
The Obsession to Control
December 9, 2010You know, some people are never satisfied, no matter how successful they become. The book of Esther tells the tale of such a tragedy. For if ever there was a man who was the epitome of success it was Haman. Haman was Prime Minister, second only to the King. He – Read the Rest…
Resting in the Goodness of God
December 9, 2010When you hear talk about “the good life,” what comes to mind? A new car every two years? A spacious home in a well-to-do neighborhood? Fortunately for us, God’s definition of the good life is much better than that. It’s something we all can have—something we already have, whether we – Read the Rest…
Making Time for God
December 9, 2010On a scale of one to ten, how’s your spiritual hunger level? Do you often find your spirit rumbling because your last spiritual nibble didn’t fill the bill? Does your relationship with God feel less like a hearty breakfast and more like a quick cup of coffee to go? Unfortunately – Read the Rest…
Being Content–Even when Life is Not Fair
December 9, 2010For many years, I was able to think of contentment only in terms of material possessions. During that time, if you asked me why people are not content, my automatic answer was, “Because they want more and more stuff without appreciating what they already have.” Unfortunately, my canned response didn’t – Read the Rest…
His Image In Us
December 9, 2010There’s a story of a lady who was part of a women’s Bible Study group that was studying in the book of Malachi. The women wondered exactly what Malachi 3:3 meant and how it was related to God. The verse says, “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of – Read the Rest…
God is About to Open Your Eyes
December 9, 2010It was getting late, near my bedtime. The phone rang. It was Debbie. At that time she was working third shift. “Jerry, can you look on the table and see if I left my wedding ring there?” Of course I would. With phone in hand I turned on the dining – Read the Rest…
God’s Powerful Presence
December 9, 2010Have you ever been in a room all by yourself and suddenly get the feeling that someone else is there? I think most of us have experienced that at one time or another. It happens a lot in the movies. How often have we watched as someone walks into a – Read the Rest…
Four Things God Does
August 9, 2010I am a very systematic person. Really I’m probably too systematic. For instance, when I empty my pockets at the end of the day each item I carry goes in a certain place. Now there is a reason for this. You see, for a good many years I was always – Read the Rest…